Port Arthur, TX Dentist
At Port Arthur Smiles, we offer three different types of mouth guards to help protect your teeth.
Day Mouthguards
A mouthguard is a comfortable piece of gear that fits over your teeth and helps protect your smile as well as your lips, tongue, face, and jaw.
Contact our office to learn how our team can help protect your smile with a custom-fitted mouthguard.
Night Mouthguards
Unconscious grinding of the teeth during sleep is a condition known as bruxism. If you are grinding your teeth in your sleep most nights, you should contact our office for a night guard.
A night guard is a removable dental appliance that is similar to an athletic mouth guard. It provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth to protect them while you sleep.
Our dentist will custom fit your night guard to ensure your comfort and safety. Night guards can protect your teeth from wear, gum irritation, enamel damage, and jaw pain.
At your appointment, we will discuss other ways to help reduce or eliminate night grinding. This may include avoiding chewing gum, alcohol, and caffeine, as these increase the risks of grinding.
If you suspect you may have issues with teeth grinding, contact our office for an appointment.
Athletic Mouthguards
When you are preparing for sports practice or a game, you wouldn’t dream of going without your uniform. If you are playing a contact sport like football or hockey, you always have a helmet and pads on before going near the field or rink. However, if you aren’t using a sports mouth guard for your practices and matches, you are missing a vital piece of protective gear.
Each year, an estimated 13-39% of all dental injuries occur while playing sports. Since mouth guards were made a mandatory part of American football, about 200,000 injuries to the mouth and teeth have been prevented annually.
However, the dangers of tooth and mouth injury do not end with contact sports. In fact, recent studies have found that today’s basketball players are far more likely to suffer injury to the face, mouth, and teeth than football players. For these sports, contact comes from ball, ground, hoop, or other surface rather than other players, so mouth guards are not currently required by most schools and many teams.
Protect your teeth with a sports mouth guard. Our dentist will custom-fit your mouth guard to keep you safe while you play.